Choosing the best Yuma Solar Company


Your searching for a reliable solar company but how do you know who to work with and who not to work with ? in today’s world of technology it’s important to know who your working with before you even get started that’s why we’ve put together a list of the top 3 things to look… [Read More]

Choosing the right Yuma Solar Service Company.


Solar is a significant investment in your home so choosing the right Yuma Solar Service company can mean the difference between your solar system lasting many  byears or ending up with a voided warranty . There’s a dozen new solar providers popping up every week and everyone claims to be the professional so how do… [Read More]

Yuma solar company


The sun is shining,   Your electric bill is rising and your telling  yourself one thing, I need the best Yuma Solar Company to save me from the power company. Solar energy is a growing trend with home owners looking to go solar with the #1 Yuma Solar Company.  Our. Highly trained a certified installation… [Read More]

#1 Solar Company In Yuma


Solar power, you see it everywhere. So what makes a great solar company and what doesn’t. Today we are going to break down the best and worst scenarios when dealing with solar sales companies and we’re going to show you what sets 48Solar apart from the rest and earned us the title #1 Solar Company… [Read More]

Official Angies List Yuma


Is Angies List or Home Advisor all it’s cracked up to be ? You’ve seen it a million times on tv, Angies list, home advisor, and a dozen other companies who claim to be the best source for finding reputable companies in your area. But who or what is Angies List really ? Well here’s… [Read More]

Solar Energy In Yuma


You’ve seen it on every street, every block in every neighborhood, Solar Energy In Yuma is extremely popular especially with utility companies raising rates with no end in sight.  So what makes Solar Energy In Yuma so popular ? Well maybe it’s because there is no up front cost or maybe it’s because people love… [Read More]

Renewable Energy In Yuma


Summer electric bills are hitting Arizona boxes and they aren’t pretty. But what if you take your current electric bill and put a negative symbol in front of the amount due ? So instead of you bill being $289.00 it would be  -289.00. That’s right a negative electric bill where the power company pays you… [Read More]

Yuma Solar


Thinking of going solar but not sure who to turn to ? have you already talked to several companies but feel like you were chocked by the smoke and mirror sales show ? Did you have another company try to buy your patronage by offering free gadgets, free roof, free vacations, promises of money ????… [Read More]

Solar Energy In Yuma


It’s been said that great things come to those who wait, well the same can not be said for those who have not gone solar yet, the only thing they are getting is an outrageous electric bill every month from APS. Moving your home to Solar Energy In Yuma is easier than you think and… [Read More]

Yuma Solar Service


Solar is an important part of the desert south west and powered thousands of home homes in every Arizona city, so why is it so hard to find solar repair services after your system is installed ?  Well the truth is many companies are only interested in the the initial install because basic service work… [Read More]